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Monsoon Skincare and Haircare Tips by the Best Dermatologist in Delhi

During monsoons, "Ek garam chai ki pyali season…" certain precautions can help you preserve the glow on your face and prevent monsoon hair fall this season, says leading Dermatologist of Delhi, Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj.

Skincare Tips:

  1. Sunscreen is Essential:

  • During humidity and rains, don't think there is no need for sunscreen. Instead, ensure a sunblock with SPF 20+ is applied 10-15 minutes before leaving home.

  1. Stay Hydrated:

  • With rains outside, we may feel less thirsty, but dehydration is similar to summers. Drinking 4-5 liters of water daily is a must in rains too.

  1. Healthy Skin Routine:

  • Wash your face at night and morning.

  • Remove makeup before sleeping.

  • If rainwater falls on your body or hair, wash it off immediately to avoid bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Avoid skimpy, skin-tight clothes that, if wet, keep rainwater near your skin, leading to fungal infections.

  • Bathe with antibacterial soaps like Frolix, Medsop, or neem-containing soaps, especially if you're prone to rain exposure.

  • An umbrella and raincoat may not seem fashionable but are essential. Getting wet is more silly than carrying them.

  • Eating right, like fruits, nuts, and vegetables, helps keep body immunity strong. Avoiding fatty, oily, or sugary foods can prevent problems during monsoons.

  • Use a gel-based night cream to maintain radiance even in humidity.

Haircare Tips:

  1. Regular Hair Wash:

  • Wash your hair regularly to keep it clean.

  1. Limit Hair Oil:

  • Avoid hair oil during monsoons. For very dry hair, maximum once a week with a conditioner should suffice.

  1. Diet for Hair Health:

  • Increase biotin in your diet with egg whites, soy, paneer, tofu, and lentils. Applying castor oil with crushed mustard seed powder to falling hair as a pack overnight or for a few hours before shampooing is good. Ensure your shampoo has minimal chemicals and suits your hair.

  1. Dandruff Control:

  • If dandruff is present, monsoons are the only season when an olive oil massage with lemon juice is effective for creating the right pH of the scalp to wash out dandruff.

Managing Common Monsoon Problems:

  1. Sore Feet:

  • Sore feet after wearing socks moistened by rainwater is common. Counter this by leaving a spare shoe at work and sprinkling antifungal powder in socks daily. Apply a cream containing cotrimazole or luliconazole at the first sign of redness and avoid OTC creams with steroids.

  1. Skin Infections:

  • For skin insect bites, bug rash, slight erythema, and redness, apply curd a few times daily for 3-5 days. To prevent daily, apply lacto calamine and aloe vera lotions after bathing to keep skin smooth, soft, and allergy-free.

  1. Acne:

  • Acne is common in monsoons due to bacterial overgrowth on the face. Wash your face twice daily and splash plain water or use mineral water sprinklers available at pharmacies during the day. Use antibiotic gels containing Adapalene, isotretinoin, or azithromycin.

Daily Monsoon Skincare Regimen:

  1. Frequent Cleansing:

  • Splash clean water on your face multiple times a day and bathe twice daily with antibacterial or lime-based soaps.

  1. Sunscreen Application:

  • Apply sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days.

  1. Night Care:

  • Use gel or serum-based night creams to keep skin hydrated.

  1. Minimal Makeup:

  • Avoid heavy makeup as it can cake up due to humidity.

  1. Hair Care:

  • Trim your hair monthly and use home remedies like egg yolk masks weekly. Avoid excess oiling to prevent dandruff.

Post-Rain Skincare:

  1. For Office Goers:

  • Remove shoes and socks if possible, keep a spare at work. If not, wash and air-dry them to let your feet breathe.

  1. For Women:

  • Wash your feet and wear open sandals, preferably rubber or plastic, to avoid contact allergies.

  1. At Home:

  • Take a running shower to wash away rainwater. Wash hands frequently, especially before eating.

  1. Itching:

  • Apply curd or lacto calamine on itchy areas. Use antifungal powders for itching in feet or underarms.

Beauty Home Remedies for Monsoons:

Face Masks:

  • For oily skin, rub a lemon piece on your face to reduce grease. For dry skin, mix lemon with honey. For normal skin, combine lemon and tomato juice. Another great home remedy is a mask with 3 teaspoons oatmeal, egg white, 1 teaspoon honey, and curd. Leave on for 20 minutes once a fortnight.

Diet for Monsoons:

Prevent Hair Fall:

  • Consume foods rich in Vitamin D, zinc, and biotin like egg whites, soy, tofu, wheat germ, potatoes, bananas, and tomatoes.

Radiant Skin:

  • Eat oranges, limes, amla, apples, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, broccoli, and salad leaves. Include foods with purple, lemon, and orange colors to boost immunity and health.

Follow these tips from Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, the best dermatologist in Delhi, to keep your skin and hair healthy during the monsoon season.

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